Colorado Multigun and Practical Shooting Resources
Purpose: To run world-class, cutting-edge competitive practical shooting events with an unmatched level of professionalism and operational excellence. We bring new practical and field competition concepts to reality. Our staff has a proven track record of running challenging, safe, and fair 3-Gun, multi-gun, and long-range matches. We have been involved in administering many of the most influential field matches of the last decade and have redefined what field challenges can be applied to a competition format. More info on the CD web site ...
Purpose: To run world-class, cutting-edge competitive practical shooting events with an unmatched level of professionalism and operational excellence. We bring new practical and field competition concepts to reality. Our staff has a proven track record of running challenging, safe, and fair 3-Gun, multi-gun, and long-range matches. We have been involved in administering many of the most influential field matches of the last decade and have redefined what field challenges can be applied to a competition format. More info on the CD web site ...
Want your Rocky-Mountain Region match listed here? Email me the
match title, web-site link, and a brief description. I'd be happy to add it.
OTHER MAJOR MATCHES IN THE REGIONThe Rocky Mountain 3-Gun Match, August
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CONTACT: Paul Clark, JR,
Local 3Gun match with pistol, rifle, and shotgun multi-gun stages. Usually 4 stages.
Bring 150 rounds per pistol and rifle, 75 shot shells, and 10 slugs.
LOCATION: Weld County Fish & Wildlife range East of Ault on HWY 14 RANGE WEB SITE
Travel time is approx 30 minutes from HWY 14 & I-25.
Shooters' Meeting: 09:00 AM (set up 8:00 AM). Cost $20, free if you are there by 8:30 to help set up.
Click here for local rules - Must Read!
RESULTS: 1/2007 (photos, video); 2/2007 (photos); 3/2007 (photos, video); 5/2007; 6/2007; 7/2007 (video); 10/2007; 11/2007;
1/2008; 2/2008; 3/2008; 4/2008; 5/2008; 7/2008; 8/2008; 9/2008; 10/2008; 11/2008;
1/2009; 4/2009; 5/2009 7/2009; 8/2009; 10/2009;
1/2010; 2/2010; 5/2010; 7/2010; 8/2010; 9/2010; 10/2010; 11/2010;
01/2011; 02/2011 (photos); 03/2011 04/2011 05/2011 07/2011 09/2011 10/2011 ;
01/2012; 02/2012 (photos); 08/2012; 09/2012; 11/2012; 12/2012;
Colorado Rifle Club Multigun (3-Gun), Colorado Rifle Club, Byers, CO
Local 3Gun at Byers
SoCo 3 Gun Championships, July 9th and 10th, 2016
SoCo 3Gun, Pike Peak Gun Club, Colorado Springs, CO
Local 3Gun in the Springs
NRA Whittington Center Sporting Rifle Match, NRA Whittington Center, Raton, NM
Tests a rifleman's skills shooting small targets from approximately 175 to 700 yards in the natural terrain, with what he can carry throughout the course.
Pueblo Action Rifle Match, Pueblo West Sportsmans Club, Monthly, 4th Sunday, 9:45 AM
CONTACT: Tom "Hoser" Freeman
Semi-auto carbine matches. - Four 3Gun-style rifle-only stages from contact distance to 425 yards.
CO Rifle Club (CRC) Long Range Precision Rifle, 4th Saturdays
This match is based upon Pueblo Wests Prairie Dog matches. Differences are that we will shoot targets ranging in size and shape from distances of 200 meters (219 yards) to 500 meters (547 yards). As we will be shooting on CRCs Silhouette range, our targets will need to be placed in front of the available silhouette berms.
The Great Prairie Dog Steel Shoot, Pueblo West Sportsmans Club, Monthly, 3rd Saturday, 11-noon, CONTACT: Tom "Hoser" Freeman
10 Steel Prairie Dog Targets ranging from 175-400 yards shot under time constraints. Each competitor will shoot the match four times requiring no more than 40 rounds. One shot per target. No make up shots. No penalties for misses. Only points earned for hits.
RM3G 3-Gun at NRAWC Raton NM, Periodic
Local matches held periodically at the NRAWC in Raton, 4-6 stages
More details on RM3G site
Local 3Gun at Clear Creek, defunct
RESULTS: 9/30/2006 (video); 10/29/2006 (video, video, video, photos);
4/29/2007 (photos); 6/30/2007 (photos, video); 7/29/2007; 9/29/2007; 5/31/2008; 8/2008;
USPSA/IPSC Pistol Matches
Monthly at Aurora, Boulder, Pueblo, High-Plains, Weld County, Clear Creek
Complete schedule:
Brief Introduction to 3Gun
Practical Long-Range Rifle Shooting, Part I - Rifle & Equipment - Practical precision rifle shooting involves engaging small and/or distant targets at the limit of
weapon, ammunition, and shooter capability under time pressure in field settings. This article lays out the
rifle and equipment a shooter needs to make long-range hits.
[more >>] |
Practical Long-Range Rifle Shooting, Part II - Optics -
What kind of scope do you need for practical long-range rifle shooting in the field? This article
discusses the desired capabilities and their tradeoffs, going into minute detail in every aspect of
rifle scope selection.
[more >>] |
Practical Long-Range Rifle Shooting, Part III - Shooting - You have the rifle, good optics, and all the gear.
This article
brings it all together by stepping through what a shooter has to do to make
long-range hits in the field, starting from establishing a zero and progressing to shooter/spotter
communication and wind management.
[more >>] |
Evolution of the 3-Gun Practical Rifle -
The concept and execution of the practical rifle has come a long
way over the last twenty-five years as old designs and
prejudices gave way to new equipment and new realizations about
what a carbine can accomplish. The modern 3-Gun rifle represents
a format combining reliability, accuracy, and compact size which
is applicable to both competition and tactical use. (2008 Book of the AR-15)
[more >>] |
2010 Steel Safari Practical Rifle Match -
The 2010 Steel Safari can be characterized by one word: HOT. Temperatures started ramping up on Friday for the Long-Range Side Match, reaching about 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and peaked on Saturday with a high of 109. The shooting was hotter than ever too, with winning scores higher than ever before, and more shooters with high scores than every before.
[more >>] |
Colorado Multigun 2009 Steel Safari Practical Rifle Match -
The 2009 Steel Safari was a tough match with tough competition. Although there was overall a little less wind speed than in '08, the wind changes made up for it. With a few procedural tweaks to ensure fair competition and less confusion, shooters were put to an extremely tough mental, physical, and marksmanship challenge. The competitor who had the skill, preparation, and luck locked down the match title.
[more >>] |
Colorado Multigun 2008 Steel Safari Practical Rifle Match -
The 2008 Steel Safari was extra tough this year for two reasons:
extreme wind and extreme heat. With more target opportunities,
shooters were put to an extreme tough mental, physical, and
marksmanship challenge. The competitor who had the skill,
preparation, and luck locked down the match title, but all those
that finished were treated to a prize table better than any
prior year's match [more >>] |
Blue Steel Ranch 2007 Steel Safari Practical Rifle Match -
One of the best field-style hike-and-shoot long-range rifle
challenges is known only to a small number of shooters. Dave
Wheeler has been running his "Steel Safari" match for about ten
years on his thousand-acre private ranch in the rugged terrain
near Logan NM. The format of the match boils down the essence of
practical rifle shooting in the field: to locate small and
medium-sized steel targets (often hidden), range and engage while "on the clock" with a
challenging time limit.
[more >>] |
Steel Safari 2006 - I recently shot the Steel Safari rifle match, run at a private ranch near Logan NM. This match follows the general idea of the Keneyathlon-- movement, target location, and engagement. The match format this year was two field courses, and a couple side-stages. [more >>] |
2008 Rocky Mountain 3-Gun Nationals -
Once again, JJ and Denise Johnson have put on an excellent Rocky Mountain 3-Gun Nationals. RM3G is the best
conventional 3-Gun match in the country due to use of geographical features in stage design,
facilities, and stage difficulty. After taking over the match from prior management in 2007 and
doing a great job, 2008 was their second year and they showed they can consistently administer a
world-class, challenging national 3-Gun event.
[more >>] |
2007 Rocky Mountain 3-Gun Nationals -
The Rocky Mountain 3-Gun Nationals (RM3G), is the best
conventional 3-Gun match in the country due to use of
geographical features in stage design, facilities, and stage
difficulty. After some management problems during the 2006
match, JJ and Denise Johnson took over for 2007, and boy did
they do a great job.
[more >>] |
2007 Camp Guernsey Multi-Gun Invitational Match Report -
The Invitational was an individual multi-gun match designed to
test a competitor's skills shooting long-range rifle, carbine,
and pistol to their effective ranges at practical targets in the
natural terrain. One of our goals was to make it possible to hit
every target shooting standard-issue military weapons systems,
but make no mistake- this was a tough and unforgiving match.
[more >>] |
Practical Rifle Team Challenge 2006 -
Colorado MultiGun just concluded its first annual Practical Rifle Team Challenge (PRTC), and I am
pleased that it was so successful. This was a different kind of match than what both long-range
("sniper") shooters and 3-Gunners are used to, and from the positive comments we've heard so far,
I believe people will be talking about this match for a long time.
[more >>] |
Rocky Mountain 3Gun 2005 -
I arrived at the NRA WC about 1.30pm Wed and checked in. The overall format was virtually identical to the 2004 match: 8 stages, three shot each of Thursday and Friday, two and the team shoot on Saturday. The machinegun side-match run by Alan Samuel's, and the long-range rifle side-match run by Mike Kolar of the Sporting Rifle Match [more >>] |
Rocky Mountain 3Gun 2004 -
I arrived at the NRA Whittington Center at about 2pm on Wednesday and checked in. Raton has had much much more precipitation this year than recent years, so the whole environment was transformed by the flora compared to last year. [more >>] |
Rocky Mountain 3Gun 2003 -
The RM3GM took place at the NRA Whittington Center near Raton, NM. The Whittington Center is on land sold to the NRA by some large mining/steel company in the 1970's. The 31,000 acres that makes up the W.C. includes a canyon that was mined for coal starting in 1902, and surrounding area. [more >>] |
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